Thursday, May 29, 2008

Preschool Graduation

I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that Sara will be going to Kindergarten next year; well technically, this year, but you know what I mean. My little snuggle bug is growing up FAST. So far, she loves school and seems to do really well. I sincerely hope that continues. I’m excited for her, but I’m also leery because I’m not going to be there to guide her every step. She’s been going to preschool the last two years, but that was only a few days a week and it was a Christian preschool and everyone was very nice and all the kids were well behaved for the most part. Now she’s going to be going to a public school with all kinds of children from different backgrounds and upbringings. Don’t get me wrong, I think diversity is good, but I’m worried about the little kid that knows all the swear words and the other little kid that pushes everyone around. And if you haven’t figured it out by now, I have a touch of neurosis. Please excuse me. So…anyway, here’s a few pictures from Sara’s preschool graduation. Enjoy!

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