Tuesday, May 20, 2008

i was so proud of myself...

For those of you with little ones, you may understand what I speak of. Have you ever run into the problem where their footed jammies are perfectly fine except for the holes in the toes from crawling around or are just plain too short? This was driving me nuts, especially with the boys. So, I cut the footed part off and added some knit ribbing, like a cuff, in its place (I think that’s what it’s called). It not only gets rid of those pesky holes, but it adds a few inches in length for a little more wear. I was so proud of myself, until I started wondering why I didn’t think of it before. Duh! If anyone is interested I can post directions.

I got all of my kits out for Ribbon Junkie yesterday. It's kind of bittersweet. It's nice to be done, but I'm really going to miss it. But I just can't wrangle Ribbon Junkie, the move, and all of life's other issues right now. Well, enough rambling for now, have a good one.


Des said...

That's an awesome idea, MA. That's my new name for you. :) I think you should post directions and a video put to music and several more pictures! :) No really, that's a great idea and you could have a little tutorial going here. Remind me of when and where you are moving?? You're not going to sunny California, are you?? That would be MA in CA.

Corrie said...

You should be proud & it's well done too. Cute. My little boy ran in the mud yesterday in his footy pjs. May have to try this. Your blog looks great.