Saturday, April 4, 2009

in celebration...

...of finally digging out my scrapbook supplies, I'm going to post some random layouts for both your viewing pleasure and my inspiration. Because now that I have the supplies out, I NEED some inspiration folks.
This little gem is a favorite of mine because it's a rare photo of me that I like. Obviously it's from a few years back, about 4 I think. I also like it because of the stark contrast of the black and the colors. And of course, the points and angles. I'm a points, angles, square kind of girl. Bet you didn't know that about me. I doodle in lines, not circles. What about you?

This layout is all digital and I love the colors and the swatches of patterned paper. Yummy. So there you have it. Have super duper weekend!

1 comment:

Des said...

ma, those are ROCKtastic. You look fabulous All the Time!! but I know what you mean about favorite pics.

keep posting. i'll be inspired with you.