Sunday, August 3, 2008

I love this baby!

O.K. so he's not exactly a baby anymore, but he's my baby. And I think he is just so unbelievably adorable. I just look at him and wish he could stay this small forever. I don't know if you read Pioneer Women's Blog, but with her recent posts, she's making me realize that my baby isn't going to be small forever. And that makes me sad sometimes. I would love to have another baby, just not ANYTIME in the distant future. But Jason and I (reluctantly) agreed that Austin would be the last one.

I know I need to savor every moment that they are small because they grow up so fast, but sometimes it's hard when there are 3 little crazy people running around and life trying to throw you curve balls every chance it gets. So really this post is a reminder to us all to slow down and enjoy the small people in our life because they won't be small for long.

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