Wednesday, March 12, 2008

up on my soapbox...

OK, I'm normally not the type of person that goes on a rant about reading something in the news, but today I read two things that really got my goat. One is about a guy in Oklahoma who gets off scott free after taking pictures up the skirt of a 16 year old girl! First thing that comes to my mind is pedaphile. And the second thing that comes to my mind is freak. He was charged with being a peeping tom. But in Oklahoma it doesn't apply if you are in a public place. Only in a place where you have a reasonable sense of privacy. HELLOOOO! I believe the underneath of my skirt is private or why would I have to wear one!

The next thing that got to me is this mother that is being charged with child neglect for leaving her 2 year old (sleeping and buckled up) in a locked, alarmed car, in bad weather to go less than 10 yards away for a matter of a minute or two. The mother went with her 2 other daughter sand a friend to drop off some money they collected to the Salvation Army Bell Ringer. The car was never out of her sight. In fact it was in the loading zone. Come on people! Opponents are saying that in that minute things could happen. Yeah, and pigs could fly. The kid was sleeping and buckled up for cryin' out loud. This is just absurd. And I also read that when she was in custody, cuffed in the back of the police care, the 3 older children were left unsupervised. Now what's wrong with THAT picture.

Anywhoo, I better get to bed, but I just had to get that out. And who knows, maybe it's not at all what the news reported. TTFN

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