Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the word is out...

I've announced officially that I'm closing Ribbon Junkie. It was a terribly difficult decision that I've been struggling with for a few weeks now. As some of you know, I've been incredibly stressed out lately. And I started to have stress induced heart palpitations. Well, at least that's what the Dr told me. And well, he's the one with the fancy degree... So, I've been trying to pare down on my obligations and Ribbon Junkie was a big one. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED doing it, but it was an obligation nonetheless. So....that's the reason behind it. I am thinking of doing some give aways here. I still have TONS of stuff from RJ and need to get rid of some of it before the big move to CA. Anywhoo, I have to go and clean up before Jason gets home. I'll give ya'll a shout later...

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