Friday, April 25, 2008

my little trooper...

Well, since life just can't possibly be easy...Logan broke his arm yesterday. Technically, Sara broke it, but we won't tell her that. They were outside playing and she was swinging and he ran behind her and CRASH! She knocked him down and he just fell wrong and there ya have it. Poor guy broke both the bones in his left forearm. I feel so bad for him, but he's been such a little trooper about it. He did cry, but no more than when he trips and scrapes his knee. He didn't cry when they put the iv in or when they set it, albeit he was on some pretty good drugs, but he was still awake. He's a little cranky now since he's tired and it probably hurts, but I am so pleasantly surprised at how well he's taking it. I'll give you more of an update later, but I have got to go for now.

1 comment:

Emily Simpson said...

Poor little guy! I'm so sorry to hear about Logan's accident. I hope he is back to feeling like his normal self soon. Take care!