Wednesday, January 30, 2008

walk this way...

Austin took his first steps yesterday! I didn't get any pictures or video just yet since it was only 2 steps 2 different times. But I will! Boy, we've had some big news lately. And how do you like that video of Logan. It makes me smile everytime I see it. I'm lovin' my Flip video camera, but I'm NOT loving the software that came with it. It worked and now it doesn't. I've emailed and called customer support and now I'm waiting on a call back from the tech support manager.

In other news, we ARE moving back to Cali at the end of July. Even if we can't afford it. ;) Sara will be starting Kindergarden next year, so I'm putting my foot down and we are NOT moving anymore after that. I am so tired of moving I could puke. I have been trying to get my self pumped up by surfing the Pottery Barn catalog and picking things out. Ok, let's put it this way, things that either Jason and I will make. That place is SO expensive, but I just LOVE their stuff. If I had my druthers and about $20,000 my whole house would be Pottery Barn. Well, I better go for now, but I will leave you with a sweet picture.

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