Wednesday, February 27, 2008

3 real quick things...

1. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! We tried to call but you must of been out. So until I can get a hold of you...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

2. Check out this super cute website for hair bows. I'm getting their instructions and hopefully will have some cute things for Sara's hair! It's called Sweet Baby Bowtique.

3. Please say a prayer for a little girl named Olivia who is dying of the flu believe it or not. She's not doing well and really needs to be lifted up. Please pass it on.

I WILL write more soon. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

i will survive...

I'm sure of it. But that doesn't mean that it's been easy or is going to be easy. I'm talking about my time as a single parent. I am counting down the days until Jason gets home (friday). I have to say that things aren't ususally this tough when he's gone. I guess the big news is that Logan broke our less than 2 yo, 40" flat panel tv. (i'm not bragging that we have or should I say had a nice tv, just setting the scene.) He threw the remote control at it and it hit the screen and put a crack in it. Now, it will turn on, but doesn't have a picture and you can see the 1/2" shiny mark on it. Needless to say, Jason was a bit upset. It was a good thing that he wasn't here when it happened. :) I don't know if it's related to Jason being gone, but Logan has been an absolute pill. And that's putting it mildly.
But on a happier note, the boys have went almost a whole week without binkies. To some that may not be much of a feat, but let me tell you it is HUGE at our house. Logan hasn't really missed it, but I can tell Austin is having withdrawels. The funny thing is that I thought it was going to be the other way around.

And Austin has been sleeping through the night every night Jason has been gone except for one. Which is another huge blessing. I was begining to think that he would never reliably sleep a whole night. Now all I have to do is readjust my body from getting up every night to sleeping through a whole night. That's going to be wierd.

Anywho, I've burned up the keys long enough, so I will leave you with a few pictures. One is of Sara and her Build A Bear Allie and the other is of Austin "playing" his piano. From this angle he reminds me of Linus on Charlie Brown...:D

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I took this with m y phone so the quality is pretty crappy, but you can still see him walking! I bet he's full out walking by the time Jason gets home!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Sara has got another loose tooth! It's the one next to the one that she just lost. So, I guess the ole tooth fairy better put our house on the GPS speed dial! Jason left today for 2 weeks. Yuk. That means that I am it. And with 2 out of 3 kids with an ear infection, I'm going to be certifiably mental by the time he gets back. And that's if I don't get sick. I've been pounding the EmergenC, so hopefully, I'll luck out. So far, it only has affected those of the male persuesion. Oh, baby crying, better go. I'll post a picture later...

just wanted to share...

...a digital layout I did with Sara and Austin. Those two are pretty close. Now as far as Logan and Austin, they are jealous of each other.